Beanshell:Create linestring from points with id attribute

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BeanTools with user interface to create a LineString from points with an attribute containing the order of points


import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.*;

// User interface
dialog = new MultiInputDialog(wc.workbench.frame, "Input box", true);
dialog.addLayerComboBox("LAYER", wc.createPlugInContext().getCandidateLayer(0), "", wc.layerManager);
dialog.addAttributeComboBox("SEQUENCE", "LAYER", AttributeTypeFilter.NUMSTRING_FILTER, "Select the attribute containing the sequence");
if (!dialog.wasOKPressed()) {return;}

// get parameters
lyr = dialog.getLayer("LAYER");
att = dialog.getComboBox("SEQUENCE").selectedItem;

// Create new dataset
schema = new FeatureSchema();
dataset = new FeatureDataset(schema);

// Processing input data
map = new TreeMap();
int i = 0;
for (feature : lyr.featureCollectionWrapper.features) {
    if (feature.schema.hasAttribute(att)) {
         map.put(feature.getAttribute(att), feature.geometry.coordinate);
    else map.put(i++, feature.geometry.coordinate);
geometry = new GeometryFactory().createLineString(map.values().toArray(new Coordinate[map.size()]));
f = new BasicFeature(schema);