Installing on Mac OSX

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Openjump 1.4

Open OpenJUMP/BIN folder and click on the orange Kangaroo icon to launch Openjump, that icon is connected to .APP Mac application launcher

If you want to launch OpenJUMPby terminal, use or oj_macosx.command launch scrips

Openjump 1.2/1.3

How it should work:

  • open a terminal window
  • move to the "bin" folder (using "ls" and "cd" commands in the terminal)
  • if you arrived in the bin folder, openjump can be started by typing: "sh" and pressing enter

but eventually...

Nicholas wrote: I've played around with JUMP previously, and I just downloaded and made OpenJUMP work on my Mac, running OS X 10.4.6. Initially, I ran into some problems, but it seems they were mainly due to Carriage Return/Line Feed problems with the shell script.

That's why Karel posted: Usual suspect is carriage return, and an easy way to fix it is:

  • a) join all lines of script into one line,
  • b) split into lines again and save script.

Further Nic wrote: After I got it running from the shell script, I wanted to tackle making it run from the old application package from JUMP 1.1.2 (or whatever).

Here are the steps I took to make it run.

  1. View contents of the JUMP application by right clicking the application icon and choosing Show Package Contents
  2. Navigate to Contents/Resources/JUMP/lib and copy all the contents of the OpenJUMP lib directory, including the sub-folders
  3. Navigate back to Contents/Resources and edit the script file with your favorite text editor
  4. Search for the following line: LIB=$JUMPHOME/lib

and add the following two lines after it:

  1. Search for the following line:

for jarfile in $LIB/.jar $JUMP_PLUGIN_DIR/.jar and append it to match: for jarfile in $LIB/.jar $JUMP_PLUGIN_DIR/.jar $BATIK_DIR/*jar $LOOKS_DIR

  1. Save the file
  2. Double-click the JUMP app and watch it start!

hope this is helpful to someone!

cheers, -n

Revised on May 27, 2006 07:11 by Jonathan Aquino

Original Page link OpenJUMP Install Instructions