Beanshell:Setting North Arrow options

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There are many options for the North Arrow Plugin, but no UI to set them. Beanshell to the rescue!

First we must get a reference to the NorthArrowRender

import org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.view.NorthArrowRenderer;

NorthArrowRenderer renderer = (NorthArrowRenderer) wc.getLayerViewPanel().getRenderingManager().getRenderer(NorthArrowRenderer.CONTENT_ID);

To set the various styles of North Arrows:

renderer.setStyle(1); //the compass rose

renderer.setStyle(2); //the inverted V shape half filled narrower version

renderer.setStyle(3); //the inverted V shape half filled wider version

renderer.setStyle(0); //shaped like a backwards 4 filled with scale bar color

To set the position that the North Arrow appears in the layer view

renderer.setAlignment(0); //BOTTOM_RIGHT = 0, TOP_RIGHT = 1, TOP_LEFT = 2, BOTTOM_LEFT = 3

Miscellaneous settings




A complete example

{ NorthArrowRenderer renderer = (NorthArrowRenderer) wc.getLayerViewPanel().getRenderingManager().getRenderer(NorthArrowRenderer.CONTENT_ID); renderer.setStyle(2); }