OpenJUMP Licensing

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Revision as of 11:46, 2 July 2011 by Michaudm (talk | contribs)
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OpenJUMP (OJ) and the used software components distributed are licensed as follows. For more recent informations about licensing read the readme.txt file of the OJ distribution you are using.

OpenJUMP core & plugins/extensions

OpenJUMP is distributed under the GPL2 license. A description of this license can be found in the "gpl2_license.txt" file in the "licenses" folder or on .


OpenJUMP uses the BATIK libraries to write svg format. The BATIK libraries are used under the terms of the APACHE license, which can be found in the "apache_license.txt" file in the "licenses" folder or on .


We use also a math library called JMath. JMath and its successor projects JMathTools (IO,Plot,Array) are distributed under BSD license, to be found in "jmathlicense.txt" in the "licenses" folder or on .


Jython is distributed under Jython license that can be found in the file "jython_license.txt" in the "licenses" folder or on .

ErMapper (ECW)

It seems that ErMapper licenses policy has changed, and it is very difficult to know what applies to the few dll we use in OpenJUMP project.

ErMapper used to have a triple licensing policy described here. The one for use of the ECW JPEG 2000 SDK with Unlimited Decompressing and Limited Compressor (Less than 500MB) in free application was governed by the ECW JPEG 2000 SDK FREE USE LICENSE AGREEMENT. I did not find this LICENSE on Erdas website (2011). Erdas website now invite SDK user to acquire a license through the following form.

Don't know if it applies to OpenJUMP (we use read-only capability and old dll)

Note that dll are also distributed in IrfanView

Other ressources about ecw licensing issue are :

ecw+sdk+licensing issue

Use of Erdas product in server side applications

QGis user ECW license on OsGeo list - 2007
