Geometry Functions

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Revision as of 23:08, 8 July 2011 by Michaudm (talk | contribs)
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Geometry Functions is a very rich tool. How it works depends highly on the geometry function you choose :

  • Geometry functions using a mask - A mask is a layer containing a single geometry. The following functions will compare each geometry of the source layer to the mask. Note that the single geometry contained in the mask may be a MultiGeometry but not a GeometryCollection. The result contains as many features as the source layer.
    • Intersections - Creates features which are the intersection of source feature geometries with the mask.
    • Union - Creates features which are the union of each single feature of source layer with the feature geometry of mask.
    • Difference (A-B) - Substract geometry of the mask to each feature of the source layer. You can for example clean a layer by removing parts of feature geometries overlapping the ocean surface..
    • Difference (B-A) - You may want to do the opposite : remove feature geometries from ocean area.
    • Symmetric difference - Symmetric difference will keep the part of source geometries which does not intersect the mask with the part of the mask which does not intersects the source geometry.