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OpenJUMP can run on Linux, Unix, MacOSX, Microsoft Windows 98 and later and any operation system that supports Java. OpenJUMP requires:


  • minimum 124 MB to run, better 256 MB (note: if the script files are used for starting, then one can assign less memory using the -Xmx option)

Java 1.5 or later
  • MacOSX users look here:

Additional Java Libraries

Some plugins could also require the installation of Java(TM) Advanced Imaging (JAI) or Java3D available from

Three-step Installation

  1. Download
  2. From the bin directory, run the starter for your operating system
    OpenJUMP.exe or oj_windows.bat
    OpenJUMP(.app) or oj_macosx.command
  3. Chuckle... There Is No Step Three (TM)! :)

(Inspired by Instiki's three-step installation)

Notes on Linux

  1. In the BIN folder there is a startup script for Linux/Unix:
  2. to run OpenJUMP first make the startup script executable. For instance, if you want to use file, open the console and write:
    chmod +x
Some Linux Distro like Ubuntu and Debian allows to make script executable by "property" window.
(+x parameter makes openjump script executable)

Notes on MacOSX

see Installing on Mac OSX

Notes on Windows

In the Jump Pilot Project it is possible to download two versions of OpenJUMP for windows:
OpenJUMP Win32 installer for Windows
  • Download the OpenJUMP Win32 installer (EXE file). This is a setup file which automatizes the installation
  • Run the file to setup OpenJUMP. The software will be installed in the computer and a new icon "OpenJUMP" will be created in the desktop to launch the program
OpenJUMP (ZIP file)
  • Download the ZIP file and decompress it in a folder (e.g. OPENJUMP)
  • In the folder OPENJUMP/BIN search for the files OpenJUMP.exe or oj_windows.bat which are used to launch the software
  • eventually create a shortcut on the desktop for the launcher

The Nightly Build

OpenJUMP Nightly Build is basically the latest developer version of OpenJUMP all platform release (ZIP file). The #Three-step installation applies.