FAQ OpenJump and Eclipse

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Iñigo, Running OpenJUMP from Eclipse does not usually cause specific problems. What is your interest to run OpenJUMP from Eclipse? If it is to do development, you should use SVN to get the OpenJUMP sources on your machine (i.e. use Subclipse PlugIn - that allows to "pull-in" the source code from a repository into Eclipse). By this way you will have the "correct" folder structure:

  • /build : the output folder specified in the "properties" of your Eclipse OpenJUMP project, tab "source"
  • /etc : some useful files such as log4j.xml, jump-properties.xml
  • /src : the source folder specified in the "properties" of your Eclipse OpenJUMP project, tab "source"

in /src, you have:

  • /src/com : all the stuff from VividSolutions
  • /src/language : all the translations
  • /src/org : all the stuff from OpenJUMP and geotools

Then, when you run OpenJUMP, you must set the following options:

  • project: name of your Eclipse project.
  • Main class: com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench
  • Program arguments: -properties etc/workbench-properties.xml -i18n es_ES
  • VM arguments: -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./etc/log4j.xml

Here es_ES is used to get Spanish language. I recommend you to use Java 1.5 or higher. For the OpenJUMP sources, if you want the stable release 1.2D, it is under http://sourceforge.net/projects/jump-pilot For the SVN version, choose SVN on the jump-pilot sourceforge page.

Tell me if you have more trouble. I just tested OpenJUMP from Eclipse with these settings, and it works (including es_ES locale).

Steve [08.02.2006]